Gurmeet Arora, Founder, and CEO of Flax healthy living and DJ turned entrepreneur has been in the hospitality industry for about a decade with his on-demand health food restaurant, Flax. The brand has a presence in Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Pune. Gurmeet also partners with several stand-alone establishments such as Tryst: A nightclub in Mumbai, Yazu: Pan Asian Supper Club, Brickhouse, and Doppio.
Presently, Flax healthy living boasts numbers like 2.5 million orders served with immense love from customers and patrons in 2021 with an exponential growth rate. Gurmeet believes that modern consumers have grown more conscious and Flax only aims to help achieve a balanced, wholesome, and nutritious diet for all in 2022 and stronger ahead.
Venturing a step ahead in targeted wholesome meal plans Gurmeet has launched a subscription model called ‘FLAX IT UP’ making it India’s only customized meal plan which specifically focuses on ailments like PCOS, Diabetes, Weight loss, Weight gain, and many more. The model is carefully created in collaboration with renowned G.I. Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala (Dr. Muffi) the subscription has been received well and has already seen a collaboration with fitness studios like Nitrro Gym.