FCIC 2023

Food Connoisseurs India Awards 2023 West India

Spotlight on the Success

Food Connoisseurs India Awards – West Edition is where the best of the F&B industry come together to raise a toast to those who deserve. This award is for everyone who has elevated the levels of the F&B industry while remaining true to the core of customer service and customer satisfaction, irrespective of the size, scale, capital, or business model.

This recognition will be based on certain parameters set by the organiser for mapping the success story of a brand. This process will entail a five-week long thorough research and deliberation to recognize the best in the category. The winners will be finalized based on the documents submitted along with a questionnaire.

Restaurants across different categories in the segment, food service players, chefs, food-tech brands and service suppliers will have the opportunity to participate in the Food Connoisseurs India Awards 2023 to showcase their unique selling points, achievements, and innovations in their respective sectors. The winners will be presented with a trophy and a certificate signed by the esteemed jury members at the grand ceremony amidst media and 500+ Industry Veterans.

Come and get nominated and be recognized for the champions you are!!!

Awards Objective

  • To celebrate the best in the Indian Food Service Industry.
  • To recognize industry practices that helped carve a niche catering to specific customer demands and requirements.
  • To recognize the initiatives and business formats that have contributed to industry growth.
  • To reward the innovations on retail front.
  • To celebrate the change makers and innovators across various segments.

Nomination Fee

Nomination fee of INR 10,000 + GST will be charged per categoryFee Includes One Award Nomination & 2 invitations to attend the Awards Ceremony followed by Networking Cocktail & Dinner.

Who Should Nominate?

150+ award categories amounts to a wide array of opportunities to get nominated, and let the world know of your achievements. Did your brand outperform itself? Did you bring a revolution in the way businesses operate? Did your product fly off the shelves? Did you find newer ways to engage with the consumer during these Pandemic times? Did you rope in new practices that drove up your revenues?

If any, or all of this, strikes a chord with you then let the entire fraternity celebrate your success as you claim your trophy & certificate at the Food Connoisseurs India Awards 2023.

Still Wondering, Why Enter?

  • Winning at the Food Connoisseurs India Awards will help in improving brand awareness and promote your business to new customers via national PR.
  • A successful entry honours and salutes your hard work and your colleagues’ accomplishments.
  • Registering and being a part of this event enables you to benefit from the partner network enabled by these awards which will be utilized to promote all the winners.
  • A win acts as a 3rd party endorsement for your business, becoming a significant differentiating factor setting you apart from the others in your sector.
  • The trust and credibility that comes with awards recognition can play a key part in a potential new customers’ decision to choose and prioritize you over your fellow competitors.
  • The winners will be presented with a trophy and certificate amidst media & Industry veterans.